Friday, October 30, 2009


-Halloween "Raven Simpsons"

Thursday, October 29, 2009

-Turn in Edwards homework

-Use the following words in a writing prompt: wishbone, hollow, owl, blush, and playground

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Share a few lines of what you wrote or are writing in your letter to Edwards regarding his sermon.
-Edwards homework due tomorrow

-Listen to "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" 107-111
-Answer 1-3, 6, page 112
-Write a letter to Edwards

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Homework: Please read "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God," on pages 104-111. Write a one page letter to Jonathan Edwards in response to his sermon. Due Thursday.

-Read the play "Hole in my Life"

Monday, October 26, 2009

-Slaughterhouse-Five presentations
If you are absent from class, please make sure you see the presenter to get hand-outs. You will be assessed on all books.

-Symbolic representation of "Harrison Bergeron" (Last time to work on it in class)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Book Review Example

New Zealand writer Helen Rickerby’s second book, My Iron Spine, is poignant, witty, tender, fun, and moving.

Rickerby has organized the book into three sections. The first section, Flashes of déjà vu, is compiled mostly of autobiographical pieces. A charming voice waltzes through the narrative, saying things like, I was playing hungry / hungry hippos / when my grandmother died or I wonder / if the Kingdom of Heaven / is like the Titanic- / not enough lifeboats.

A striking poem in this section is Eleven Fragments of God. Rickerby poetically meanders through questions, stories, and dialogue, pertaining not only to metaphysics, but also to personal grief. Corsets and comforts titles the second section of My Iron Spine. The poet writes in the persona of several women, including Artemisia Gentileschi, Mary Shelley, and Sylvia Plath.

In the third and final section, Laughing at Ophelia, the poet invents a world where she imaginatively spends time with an array of historical women. Check out a few of the titles: Burning with Joan of Arc, Swimming Lessons with Virginia Woolf, Housework with Linda and Elizabeth Barrett Browning, and Kate Sheppard and I go for a Ride. In the final poem, Rickerby hangs out with New Zealand born writer Katherine Mansfield. The poem, titled Partying with Katherine Mansfield starts out ‘Don’t be a bore,” says Katie / as she pulls me up by my arm / to the dance floor.

At times My Iron Spine is akin to Anne Carson’s The Glass Essay. Rickerby seamlessly layers her work with research, autobiography, and imagination. What more could a reader want from a book of poetry? Rickerby is a poet who celebrates women and their lives. Most of all, she celebrates their voices.

My Iron Spine is available at

Friday, October 23, 2009

I had anticipated grading classroom notebooks tomorrow (Saturday) while I was proctoring the ACT in my classroom. Unfortunately, I had to rush home from school today and take Edith, my youngest dog, to the vet. She will be fine. However, I will be staying home with her tonight and tomorrow. Because I rushed home from school anticipating that I would be there tomorrow for the ACT, I did not bring home my gradebook or the notebooks. I do apologize, but I will update grades as as soon as possible next week.

Also, I would like to say that I am especially proud of my 7th period class for listening to me, respecting what I have to say, and working on becoming accountable young adults. Keep it up. You too, Kevin:)

-"Harrison Bergeron" Symbolic Representation

-"Harrison Bergeron" study guide group work

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Classroom Notebook

Are you a Harrison or a George/Hazel? Explain.

-"Harrison Bergeron" discussion

-Read "Harrison Bergeron"
-Complete study guide with selected group

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Classroom Notebook

1. What do you think O'Brien is attempting to accomplish in "Lives of the Dead?" Does this ending satisfy the book? Explain.

2. Discuss Kathleen's role in the novel.

3. Play editor. You must remove three sections/stories from the book. Which stories do you think could be removed without altering the integrity of the book? Explain.

4. Play editor some more. Choose five sections/parts of the book to create a novella. Which sections would you choose? Why? What would be the title of this novella?

-Work on presentation (last work day)
"Harrison Bergeron" is to be read, study guide completed...for tomorrow

-work on book review & classroom notebook questions

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Writer's Notebook

Write about a world where everyone is equal. How would you set up this world? Analyze the world you have created. What are the positives? Negatives?

Honors & CP
-Finish The Things They Carried
-Write a three paragraph informal book review. You may use first person. You must include a minimum of one quote. Remember, a good review includes what works and doesn't work in a book. This review should be written in your classroom notebook.

Honors homework-Read "Harrison Bergeron" by Kurt Vonnegut and complete the study guide for Thursday.

Dear Tyler...We hope your surgery went well. We are thinking about you.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Which character are you most like and why?

-"Night Life" quiz
-"Lives of the Dead"
-Homework: active/passive hand-out

-"The Lives of the Dead"

Thursday, October 15, 2009

-Presentation work day

-"Night Life" quiz

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Active voice-subject of the sentence performs the action
Example: The teacher writes on the chalkboard

Passive voice-
Example: The chalkboard is written on by the teacher

-Continue reading "The Ghost Soldiers" & "Night Life"
-Pantoum or ghazal due tomorrow

-Active/passive hand-out
-Read "Night Life"

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

-Project presentation work day

-Read "Good Form" 179-180
-Answer the following questions
1. What does O'Brien mean by the terms "story truth" and "happening truth?"
2.Did O'Brien kill a man? Explain.
3. Explain, in detail, why stories are important to O'Brien.
-Read "Field Trip"

Monday, October 12, 2009

Writer's Notebook

"Life is a growing expedition through the tangled unfilled-in parts. What happens after age nine? Because of the fear we don't trust our own life? Our story? Our colors? To be afraid and leap regardless- there is so much power in that. We must show up for our own life. Be brave. Be messy. Be loud. Be strong. Trust yourself."
-Sabrina Ward Harrison


Guided free write and discussion concerning the application of this quote to our own lives.

Friday, October 9, 2009

-presentation work day

-pep rally

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Sullivan's ghazal notes
1. pronounced guzzle
2. Persian form of poetry
3. written in couplets
4. often, the couplets can stand alone
5. the same word is used at the end of the 1st and 2nd line of the first couplet and then at the end of each 2nd line
6. poet signs his/her name in the last line

-discuss ghazals & pantoums
-continue "The Ghost Soldiers"

-read "In the Field"
-O'Brien's diary entry

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

-Discuss presentation guidelines
-Read "The Ghost Soldiers"

-"Speaking of Courage" writing assessment
-Read "Notes"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

All classes

Found poem share day (We will go from desk to desk and read each other's work)


Classroom notebook

1. each stanza is four lines long
2. poem must begin and end with the same line
3. second and fourth quatrain become the first and third lines of the next, and so on with succeeding quatrains
4. the final quatrain changes this pattern
in the final quatrain the unrepeated first and third lines are used in reverse as second and fourth lines

-discuss "story truth" & "happening truth"
-O'Brien diary entry due tomorrow.

-free write
-share writing

Thursday, October 1, 2009

-Free write
-"I remember" work & share time
-"Style" & "Speaking of Courage" discussion

-Work on found poem
-Read "Speaking of Courage"